Additional tips#

Code formatting#

Why does formatting matter?

  • Code is read more often than written

  • Setting up a formatter in your editor takes 5 minutes

  • Those 5 minutes are redeemed across the lifetime of the project

Ugly formatting example#

Put the following into a file and save it.

x = {  'a':37,'b':42,
y = 'hello '+       'world'
class foo  (     object  ):
   def f    (self   ):
       return       y **2
   def g(self, x :int,
       y : int=42
       ) -> int:
       return x--y
def f  (   a ) :
   return      37+-a[42-a :  y*3]

Black Code Formatter#

We chose black because it has very few options with which to fiddle.

First you need to install Black in your environment:

conda install black

Then, the simplest way to use is


The code should be automatically formatted to:

x = {"a": 37, "b": 42, "c": 927}
y = "hello " + "world"

class foo(object):
    def f(self):
        return y ** 2

    def g(self, x: int, y: int = 42) -> int:
        return x - -y


Note that black just fix the code layout - this code still has syntax error!

Integrated development environment (IDE)#

Using an Integrated development environment (IDE) will certainly save you time, but the advantages of using an IDE go beyond that. Below are some IDE advantages

  1. Syntax highlighting

  2. Text autocompletion

  3. Refactoring options

  4. Easily Importing libraries

  5. Build, compile, or run

Visual Studio Code#

You may already have a preferred IDE that you use regularly, however we strongly suggest that you use VS Code for this course and afterwards replicate the setup as you choose. If you already have VS Code installed please make sure it is updated to the latest version.

To install VS Code follow the instructions here.

Below are some VSC advantages

  1. IntelliSense: Go beyond syntax highlighting and autocomplete

  2. Run & Debug: Debug code right from the editor

  3. Built-in Git: Review diffs, stage files, and make commits right from the editor.

  4. Extensible and customizable: Install extensions to add new languages, themes, debuggers, and to connect to additional services.

VSC Example: automatically using black#

Configure VSC to use Black

Open Settings: Code (or File) > Preferences > Settings

  • Search for python formatting provider and choose black

  • Search for format on save and check the box to enable

Select interpreter

Open Command Palette: View > Command Palette.. (or Ctrl+Shift+P)

  • Search for Python: Select Interpreter

  • Choose the correct environment

Now the Black package is going to fix your codes layout every time you save a code file.