
This chapter will look at using CMake to build software.


The steps outlined below are performed on the ARC4 HPC system where a recent CMake is available as a loadable module.

CMake was loaded with the command:

module add cmake/3.22.3


CMake is a collection of tools for building, testing and packaging software. It is open source and cross platform and supports a variety of different build tools including Make, Microsoft Visual Studio, Apple’s Xcode and others.

CMake works by generating build files from a series of CMake configuration files which the relevant build tool can be used to build the software from. This in many cases means CMake is used to create a series of Makefiles which allow us to use GNU make to build our software.


If you don’t have CMake installed you can download the latest version for your operating system from the CMake website.

Building software with CMake#

In the following section we’ll explore a small example of building the command line tool cURL using CMake. cURL is a tool for transferring data using various network protocols and is commonly used for downloading data from the internet.


cURL is already installed on ARC4, but we’ll look at installing our own personal version for this tutorial.

Cloning the cURL source code#

To get started we need to download the cURL source code. cURL is available via GitHub so we can clone the source code at the most recent tagged release with the following line.

$ git clone --single-branch --branch curl-7_85_0

This will download the cURL source code with the history of the associated release. You will likely see a warning message about being in a detached head state which you can ignore for this tutorial.

Configuring with CMake#

Now we’ve downloaded the cURL source code we need to configure it before building using CMake. To do this we need to create a build directory that will contain all of the autogenerated build file. Once we’ve created a build directory we run cmake to perform the configuration steps. You can do this directly in the command line by running cmake and specifying additional options or you can use ccmake to do configuration interactives through a GUI-like interface.

Using cmake directly#

Running CMake directly runs all the configuration steps and provides some output to the screen. We can modify CMake default behaviour by passing additional arguments to cmake at this stage.

$ cd curl

$ mkdir build

$ cd build

$ cmake ..

For modern installations of CMake it is preferable to specify the source and build directories directly when running cmake.

$ cd curl

$ mkdir build

$ cmake -S . -B build

This command at a basic level, will detect that there are GNU Makefiles present and, using the CMakeLists.txt file, configure a series of Makefiles for building the software. Running this line on ARC4 will provide output similar to this:

-- curl version=[7.85.0-DEV]
-- Enabled features: SSL IPv6 unixsockets libz AsynchDNS Largefile alt-svc HSTS NTLM HTTPS-proxy
-- Enabled SSL backends: OpenSSL
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /home/home01/arcuser/curl

As we’re doing this on ARC4 where a version of cURL is already installed we should probably make some tweaks. We can do this directly by passing specific arguments to cmake, in this example we want to specify a specific local build directory and set the name of the associated library libcurl that gets built to avoid conflicts with the system-installed libcurl.

$ cd curl

$ mkdir build install

$ cmake -S . -B build/ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$(pwd)/install -DLIBCURL_OUTPUT_NAME=libcurl2

It is normal to specify CMake options by their name with a -D prepended to the option name. By default CMake will install software in standard location on our machine, this often means locations such as /usr/local which requires sudo rights to write to. Therefore, it’s often better for software we want to build just for ourselves to specify the -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX argument to be a local directory our user has access to.


This example has been picked for its simplicity and doesn’t require any additional libraries that aren’t already installed and available on ARC4. Most software has additional dependencies that you will either need to load as a module or install separately before being able to have CMake configure successfully. Always be sure to check the documentation to understand what the exact requirements are for the software you’re trying to install.

Using ccmake#

You can also do the CMake configuration steps using ccmake which provides a GUI-like interface for adjusting CMake configuration options.

You can open the ccmake GUI by running the following line within the curl directory:

$ ccmake -S . -B build
 BUILD_CURL_EXE                   ON
 BUILD_SHARED_LIBS                ON
 BUILD_TESTING                    ON
 CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX             /usr/local
 CMAKE_LBER_LIB                   lber
 CMAKE_LDAP_LIB                   ldap
 CURL_BROTLI                      OFF
 CURL_CA_BUNDLE                   /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt
 CURL_CA_BUNDLE_SET               ON
 CURL_CA_FALLBACK                 OFF
 CURL_CA_PATH                     /etc/ssl/certs
 CURL_CA_PATH_SET                 ON
 CURL_ENABLE_SSL                  ON
 CURL_LTO                         OFF

BUILD_CURL_EXE: Set to ON to build curl executable.
Keys: [enter] Edit an entry [d] Delete an entry             CMake Version 3.22.3
      [l] Show log output   [c] Configure
      [h] Help              [q] Quit without generating
      [t] Toggle advanced mode (currently off)

This provides the following interface where we can navigate through options using the arrow keys and adjust entries as required. Using ccmake is often a useful way to view all the available configuration settings for a project and adjust them as required. You can also use c to run the configuration step to check everything configures successfully before confirming you want to proceed with that configuration by pressing g for generate. If you’re using ccmake for this tutorial rather than cmake then you’ll need to adjust the settings CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX to be the full path to the install directory we created earlier and you’ll need to adjust the LIBCURL_OUTPUT_NAME setting to libcurl2.

Building CMake configured software#

Now that CMake has configured everything we can proceed to building the software using GNU Make (here we pass the option -j 4 to use multiple threads).

$ cd build

$ make -j 4

Once the make step completes successfully we can install the cURL executable to the previously specified install location with the command:

$ make install

If you’ve set everything up as I have on ARC4 and run this in your /home directory your new cURL executable will be at ~/curl/install/bin. However, because we already have a system-installed cURL version we need to do an extra step before testing out our newly built version of cURL. Crucially, we need to make the libcurl2 library that was also built with cURL available for our new cURL executable to use. If we try and run our new cURL without doing this step we get the following error:

$ ~/curl/install/bin/curl --version
/home/home01/arcuser/curl/install/bin/curl: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

This is because libcurl2 is not available to use via the associated environment variable. To solve this we need to update the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable to include the directory containing We do this by appending a directory path to the colon-separated LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable.

$ export "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$HOME/curl/install/lib64"

$ ~/curl/install/bin/curl --version
curl 7.85.0-DEV (Linux) libcurl/7.85.0-DEV OpenSSL/1.0.2k-fips zlib/1.2.7
Release-Date: [unreleased]
Protocols: dict file ftp ftps gopher gophers http https imap imaps ldap mqtt pop3 pop3s rtsp smb smbs smtp smtps telnet tftp
Features: alt-svc AsynchDNS HSTS HTTPS-proxy IPv6 Largefile libz NTLM SSL UnixSockets

So after adding the directory location containing our file our newly created cURL executable is able to find it’s associated library and run correctly.


Editing variables like this during a shell session do not persist between shell sessions. In order to keep these changes between different shell sessions you will need to add the above export line the .bashrc login script that exists in your home directory.



  • Introduces CMake tool for configuring build systems

  • Linked to CMake download page for installation steps

  • Showcased an example of deploying curl using CMake

    • Included how to configure specific settings using -D option

    • Highlighted using -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX for appropriate installation of software locally

    • Showed steps to build software using GNU Make after configuring with CMake

    • Highlighted modifying LD_LIBRARY_PATH for locally installed software and libraries