
Spack provides support for assisting you with building containers that have Spack install software within.

Define your container#

To define your container, you create a YAML file that describes what you want. Here’s I’m saying I want spack to install gromacs with MPI enabled, and OpenMPI. I want it to create the container for Singularity/Apptainer, and I want it to make sure the libgomp1 package is installed onto the OS.


# What I want Spack to install
  - gromacs+mpi
  - openmpi
# What I want it to create
    format: singularity
# Bonus OS packages I'd like installed
      - libgomp1
# Additional config for the build process
    mount proc: yes

Create a Singularity definition file#

This is single command to tell Spack to make a definition file from that yaml file:

spack containerize > gromacs-openmpi.def

Build a container image file#

Since we have a definition file, we now tell Singularity to build a container. This is a fairly large and complex container, and happens to also require that /proc is bind mounted into the container to make this work, but that won’t be the case with simpler containers:

module add apptainer
apptainer build gromacs-openmpi.sif gromacs-openmpi.def

Use that container#

As a proof of life, let’s run gromacs from within that container:

$ apptainer run gromacs-openmpi.sif mpirun -np 4 gmx_mpi
                    :-) GROMACS - gmx_mpi, 2023.1-spack (-:

Executable:   /opt/software/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake_avx512/gcc-11.4.0/gromacs-2023.1-423hodczn375tumo2c5eorq5pikirpxo/bin/gmx_mpi
Data prefix:  /opt/software/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake_avx512/gcc-11.4.0/gromacs-2023.1-423hodczn375tumo2c5eorq5pikirpxo
Working dir:  /tmp/me/container
Command line:


gmx [-[no]h] [-[no]quiet] [-[no]version] [-[no]copyright] [-nice <int>]


Spack container docs