Write your code: Even or Odd?#

Write a function that returns

  • True if the number is Even

  • False if the number is Odd.

Function definition#

def is_even(number):

    # write the code here
  File "/tmp/ipykernel_2118/4188263978.py", line 3
    # write the code here
SyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing


Check if your function returns the expected value using the cell below.

import unittest
from random import randint

class UnitTests(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_type(self):
        self.assertEqual(type(is_even(randint(-1000,1000))), type(False), 'The function should return a boolean operator')    
    def test_even(self):
        x = N = randint(-1000,1000)*2
        self.assertEqual(is_even(x), True, 'Should return `True` for %d' %x)
    def test_odd(self):
        x = N = randint(-1000,1000)*2 + 1
        self.assertEqual(is_even(x), False, 'Should return `False` for %d' %x)
unittest.main(argv=[''], verbosity=2,exit=False)