Write your code: Arithmetic Operation
Write your code: Arithmetic Operation#
Create a function that receives a list of strings that are arithmetic problems and returns the answers.
Input should be a list of string(s).
Every string should have a integer number, an operator (+ or -), and another integer number - all separated by a single space.
The function should return a list of integer(s), where every integer is the solution for the respective arithmetic operation.
For any non-valid operation, the result should be
Function Call
arithmetic_solver(["32 + 698", "3801 - 2", "45 + 43", "123 * 49"])
[730, 3799, 88, None]
Useful Links#
Function definition#
def arithmetic_solver(problems):
# write your function here
File "/tmp/ipykernel_2464/1334290660.py", line 2
# write your function here
SyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing
Check if your function returns the expected value using the cell below.
import unittest
class UnitTests(unittest.TestCase):
def test_type(self):
self.assertTrue(isinstance(arithmetic_solver(["32 + 698", "3801 - 2", "45 + 43", "123 + A"]), list), 'The function should return a list')
def test_item_type(self):
self.assertTrue(all(isinstance(item, int) for item in arithmetic_solver(["32 + 13", "301 - 25", "5 + 43"])), 'The function should return a list of integers')
def test_sum(self):
self.assertEqual(arithmetic_solver(["0 + 0", "5418 + 1", "0 + 12"]), [0, 5419, 12])
def test_sub(self):
self.assertEqual(arithmetic_solver(["0 - 0", "5418 - 1", "0 - 12"]), [0, 5417, -12])
def test_mix(self):
self.assertEqual(arithmetic_solver(["1 + 1", "5418 - 1", "0 - 12"]), [2, 5417, -12])
def test_error_operator(self):
self.assertEqual(arithmetic_solver(["1 + 1", "5418 - 1", "0 * 12"]), [2, 5417, None], "Operators different from + and - are invalid")
def test_error_operand1(self):
self.assertEqual(arithmetic_solver(["1 + 1", "5418.0 - 1", "0 + 12.0"]), [2, None, None], "Operants different from int are invalid")
def test_error_operand2(self):
self.assertEqual(arithmetic_solver(["1 + 1", "A - 1", "0 + B"]), [2, None, None], "Operants different from int are invalid")